Khyber Medical University (KMU) is committed to change the present medical curriculum and assessment system by introducing integration and semesterizaiton system, it was stated by VC KMU Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hafizullah while addressing as chief guest to the one day symposium on “Curriculum Development” organized by Academic Section of the University here at Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (IPM&R). In this symposium principals and senior faculty members from both public and private sector medical colleges of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa participated. The symposium was focused on semesterization and Integration of the Curriculum.

VC KMU Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hafizullah said that currently the medical and dental institutions are following the annual system of examination. Under this system the assessment is done at the end of the year. Most of the students start serious study near end of the year and especially during preparation holidays. To overcome this problem most of the institutions other than medical have changed their system into semester system. Specific time is allotted to each course which is finished in time and there is continuous evaluation. This keeps both the faculty and students busy throughout the year.

He said that KMU is committed to replace the 20th century medical curriculum with that of the 21st century; therefore KMU is keenly engaged in the reformation of the medical curriculum and to change the annual system into semester system. The main feature of these reforms is adaptation of integration of the medical curriculum, he added.

VC KMU appreciated the interest taken by the principals of the public and private sector medical colleges of the province and hoped that in modifying the curriculum all the principals and faculties of the public and private medical colleges will support the proposed plan of KMU.

While talking to the symposium Prof. Dr. Sultan Mehmood, Principal, Khyber Medical College, Peshawar informed the participants in great detail about work done by him and his committee for the semesterization of the curriculum. He emphasized on the framework, teaching methodology, and assessment. He also pointed some of the difficulties in implementing the Semester System. However, these difficulties can easily overcome if there is conviction and motivation by the university and faculty of the medical institutions.

Ms Sheilla Pinjani of the Department of Medical Education, Aga Khan University was also speaking in detail on the integration of medical curriculum. She emphasized that in the current system each subject is taught in isolation. There should be gradual shift towards integration of various subjects taught in the medical and dental institutions. Later participants were divided into various groups to prepare recommendations on various aspects of integration of curriculum.

It is worth mentioning that this symposium was a part of program which KMU has started for change in medical curriculum and annual system. A number of similar workshops were conducted previously with the help of faculty from Aga Khan University and Rawalpindi Medical University. At the end of the workshop Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hafizullah, VC KMU distributed certificates among the participants.
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