Monday, November 23, 2020

All MBBS/BDS on going and scheduled Examinations stand postponed till further order


Khyber Medical University Announces that All the Ongoing Examinations and schdule already been shared a few weeks ago are cancelled due to the 2nd phase of Coronavirus.
In pursuance of the announcement made by Federal Education Minister followed by confirmation/clarification of the Minister for Health, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pro-Chancellor KMU), all ongoing examinations are hereby postponed till further orders. Tomorrow’s paper for BDS and Viva Voce Exams also stand postponed.
P.S In this unprecedented time of uncertainty for all of us, as we watch the COVID-19 pandemic unfold before us, please only rely on information/notification shared on KMU official website, and KMU Official Facebook Page @kmupeshawarofficial


Thursday, November 19, 2020



Form Submission Date has been extended to 27th November 2020 for BS Programs in Khyber Medical University Constituent Institutes

Monday, November 16, 2020

Admission Notice BS Nursing Sciences Khyber Medical University


Admissions to BS Nursing Sciences

Khyber Medical University Institute of Nursing Sciences is one of the leading Institutes of the country to offer best possible education in the field of nursing in all spheres. Applications are invited for the admission in the B.S Nursing Program for the Session (Fall-2020) on the prescribed form downloadable from KMU Admission portal ( B.S Nursing is a 4 Years program to prepare the nurses for a wide variety of professional roles. This course aims to develop the cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills among nurses to instill the provision of safe, dexterous and obligatory care to the patents. Further the intention of the courses to inculcate research, leadership and management skills among nurses for bringing excellence to promote holistic care to the sick humanity.
Eligibility Criteria
o F.Sc (Pre-Medical) 50 % marks
o Admission shall be made on open merit basis (Based on ETEA Test Score)
o Age should not be more than 25-year
Last Date for Application
Last date of submission 17th November

Friday, November 13, 2020

Will KMU conduct Exams of MBBS and BDS in Corona or not?



Khyber Medical University has successfully conducted the entry test for allied health sciencs and all of their semester exams. Recently, 2nd year MBBS and Dental exam was conducted following strict SOPs, however due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, KMU administration conducted three emergency meetings with the Deans of public and private medical colleges and decided to wait for the NCOC meeting to be held on Monday. The pandemic situation in the education sector and the possibility of early and extended winter break will be discussed in detail in the meeting scheduled on Monday, 16th November, 11:00am at National Command and Operation Center’s (NCOC). If the education institutes were to close then KMU will explore different available options (on-site, online or hybrid) in consultation with the relevant stakeholders and the decision will be taken in the best interest of the students, Insha ALLAH.

Khyber Medical University refund plan for cancelled ETEA Medical Entrance Test 2020 fee to its registered candidates

 Refund of KMU ( Khyber Medical University ) ETEA Medical Entrance Test 2020 fee submitted by candidates


As per MOU signed between MCB Bank Ltd. and KMU (Khyber Medical University), candidates will be refunded fee as per following details.
  1. Code will be sent to the registered mobile numbers of candidates (entered on KMU Admission portal at the time of registration)
  2. Candidates will visit any branch of MCB Bank Ltd. across Pakistan and will produce
    1. Code sent as SMS
    2. Original CNIC along with a photocopy 
    3. Other relevant information required by bank
  3. Fee will be refunded to the candidates by the bank upon verification of their cnic and other data on the spot.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

KMU holds breast cancer awareness seminar


KMU holds breast cancer awareness seminar

Sunday, November 1, 2020