VC KMU said that the creation of QEC Cells was a culmination of a decade's worth of reform in the quality assurance of Pakistan’s higher education. The HEC recommended that the two streams of quality assurance - subject review and institutional audit - should be brought together into a single body for the first time. This provided the blueprint for establishment of QEC’s in the higher education sector.
Quality and standards of the courses taught at the University is the responsibility of all academic staff. Academic staff is expected to have or to develop the skills of effective and excellent teachers. The quality of teaching is assured in part through the Academic Performance Review process. The University provides training and professional development opportunities through QEC’s of the respective Institutions, he added.
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hafizullah said that the QEC has taken a major step to set and maintain quality and standards for the constituent and affiliated institutions of KMU through this workshop. He said that after establishment and strengthening the QEC’s at various levels we will evaluate whether it is meeting its aims, remains useful, and is flexible and strong enough to accommodate a changing higher education sector.
He said that this work will inform the future development of the Academic Infrastructure and will also contribute to the wider consultation on the future quality assurance system for higher education. QEC is also committed to communicating clearly these future developments to students, parents and teachers whose interest in the quality and standards in higher education QEC exists to safeguard. This workshop is a part of involving senior academics, lecturers and students of all constituent institutions of KMU and is the first event of its kind in KMU and we are very proud to organize such an impressive event.
He further said that this is an opportunity for the higher education sector to get together, and to share and learn from each others' good practice. Above all it's an opportunity to consider how best we can support the development of graduate attributes that will support and help the quality and standards of KMU in the 21st century.
Resource person of the workshop Prof. Dr. Abdul Wahid Usmani Director QEC Dow University of Health Science Karachi also delivered lectures on various topics related to establishing and strengthening of QEC’s at KMU constituents and affiliated institutions/colleges. Later on VC KMU distributed certificates among the participants.